We have been at the forefront of providing high-quality energy audits since 1990. We are committed to helping building owners save money on their energy bills, reduce their carbon footprint, and improve the overall energy efficiency of their properties. Our team consists of highly trained engineers and technologists that understand exactly how energy is used in buildings and how to reduce the energy in a cost-effective manner. We are dedicated to helping our clients save money on energy costs while also reducing their environmental impact.
In any building, a professional energy audit can be the critical first step in determining the most cost-effective, path to lowering operating costs and increasing your asset value. An energy audit can identify opportunities to improve energy performance and will help you prioritize energy saving projects. We will complete a thorough inspection of your property, including lighting systems, HVAC systems, controls, building envelope and water use to uncover all economically feasible opportunities. Our energy audits will help you uncover hidden inefficiencies in your building's energy use, allowing us to identify opportunities for improvement and develop a customized plan for reducing energy consumption.
We have audited more than $245 million square feet, spanning many sectors. Over that time, we have developed proprietary technology and tools to ensure that the audit you receive can provide you with comprehensive and actionable insights that will help you make informed decisions about energy-saving upgrades.
Our auditing process and reporting system is uniquely designed to benefit owners with multiple buildings. The process ensures consistency between buildings as well as the ability to select energy saving opportunities across your building portfolio.
Sophisticated financial analyses help you make the right choices to significantly reduce the total cost of ownership of your building.
- Life-cycle costing
- Net present value
- Marr
- Accounting for all costs and savings (utility, maintenance, financing, avoided capital costs, labour, etc.)